for English just click here
In der nächsten Version ist geplant, die Major-Systeme aus der zu laden. Dies ermöglicht, Major-Systeme für mehr als 6 Major-Rassen zu definieren (siehe auch Mediors).
In Alpha6.1 (V0.81) ist die noch nicht enthalten.
File Structure
1.Zeile: Major-ID: MAJOR1
2.Zeile: Sonnenfarbe(Zahl)
3.Zeile: Anzahl an Planeten im System
Planets File Structure
1.Zeile: Planetenname
2.Zeile: Planetenklasse numerischer Wert
3.Zeile: ist der Planet kolonisiert: 1/0
4.Zeile: Maximale Einwohnerzahl in Millionen(!)
5.Zeile: Derzeitige Einwohnerzahl in Millionen(!)
6.Zeile: ist der Planet bewohnbar: 1/0
7.Zeile: ist der Planet geterraformt: 1/0
8.Zeile: Größe des Planeten numerischer Wert: 0/1/2/3
9.Zeile: Planetenklasse-Buchstabe
10.-17.Zeile: Boni für die acht Ressourcen
18.Zeile: noch benötigte Terraformpunkte
This site contains the values of (German and English version), especially the actual ones which can change, if other values are planned.
So these values might be different to the values of the last release.</span">
Values can be easily updated by CopyPaste. Matching is also easily possible by CopyPaste and "Änderungen anzeigen" ("Speichern" isn't necessary for that).
some recent changes | |
This site contains the content of (German and English version), especially the actual ones which can change, if other values are planned.
So these values might be different to the values of the last release.</span">
Values can be easily updated by CopyPaste. Matching is also easily possible by CopyPaste and "Änderungen anzeigen" ("Speichern" isn't necessary for that).
some recent changes
// Aufbau der Datei // // Trennzeichen sind der Doppelpunkt, bei Gebäude-IDs dann das Komma // Doppelpunkt und Komma sind reservierte Zeichen und dürfen nicht anders verwendet werden. // // 1. System, in dem das Gebäude stehen soll // 2. ID des Gebäudes, getrennt durch Komma Terra:1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,14,14,14,14,14,39,39,39,39,39,39,54,54,86 Han:108,108,108,108,108,108,117,117,117,117,117,146,146,146,159,159,188,195 Khayrin:222,222,222,222,222,222,222,222,222,222,222,235,235,235,235,235,235,235,235,235,264,273,273,307 Rotharius:329,329,329,329,329,329,329,342,342,342,342,342,369,369,369,369,369,369,383,383,383,416 Cartar:438,438,438,438,438,438,438,438,438,438,438,438,438,438,438,446,446,446,446,446,446,480,480,489,489,489,489,523,527 Omega Alpha:546,546,546,546,546,546,546,546,546,554,554,554,554,554,554,583,583,583,583,583,597,597,630 |
One Suggestion:
"1 Classic"
"2 advanced"
// Aufbau der Datei (File Structure) // // Trennzeichen sind der Doppelpunkt, bei Gebäude-IDs dann das Komma (Delimiter is the colon, in building IDs the comma) // Doppelpunkt und Komma sind reservierte Zeichen und dürfen nicht anders verwendet werden. (Colon and comma are reserved characters - don't use them otherwise.) // // 1. System, in dem das Gebäude stehen soll (system which contains the buildings) // 2. ID des Gebäudes, getrennt durch Komma (ID of the structure from, delimited via comma) // // Terra Han Khayrin Rothar Cartar Omega //Food: 11x1, 8x119, 11x244, 8x362, 15x481, 12x600 //Industry: 9x13, 10x131, 14x256, 10x373, 11x492, 11x609 //Research: 5x39, 3x157, 1x282, 5x401, 2x519, 4x635 //Titan: 3x53, 3x169, 3x294, 3x414, 5x531, 3x648 //#WorkersB: 28 24 29 27 33 39 //Spacedock: 92, 212, 335, 454, 572, 688 //Bank of Han: 205, Terra:1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,39,39,39,39,39,53,53,53,92 Han:119,119,119,119,119,119,119,119,131,131,131,131,131,131,131,131,131,131,157,157,157,169,169,169,205,212 Khayrin:244,244,244,244,244,244,244,244,244,244,244,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,282,294,294,294,335 Rotharius:362,362,362,362,362,362,362,362,373,373,373,373,373,373,373,373,373,373,401,401,401,401,401,414,414,414,454 Cartar:481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,492,492,492,492,492,492,492,492,492,492,492,519,519,531,531,531,531,531,531,572 Omega Alpha:600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,635,635,635,635,648,648,648,688 |
"3 very advanced"
// Aufbau der Datei (File Structure) // // Trennzeichen sind der Doppelpunkt, bei Gebäude-IDs dann das Komma (Delimiter is the colon, in building IDs the comma) // Doppelpunkt und Komma sind reservierte Zeichen und dürfen nicht anders verwendet werden. (Colon and comma are reserved characters - don't use them otherwise.) // // 1. System, in dem das Gebäude stehen soll (system which contains the buildings) // 2. ID des Gebäudes, getrennt durch Komma (ID of the structure from, delimited via comma) // // Terra Han Khayrin Rothar Cartar Omega //Food: 13x1, 12x119, 13x244, 10x362, 15x481, 11x600 //Industry: 15x13, 15x131, 19x256, 15x373, 12x492, 18x609 //Research: 6x39, 5x157, 4x282, 6x401, 6x519, 5x635 //Titan: 6x53, 6x169, 6x294, 6x414, 6x531, 6x648 //#WorkersB:41 38 42 37 39 39 //Spacedock: 92, 212, 335, 454, 572, 688 //Bank of Han: 205, Terra:1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,39,39,39,39,39,39,53,53,53,53,53,53,92 Han:119,119,119,119,119,119,119,119,119,119,119,119,131,131,131,131,131,131,131,131,131,131,131,131,131,131,131,157,157,157,157,157,169,169,169,169,169,169,205,212 Khayrin:244,244,244,244,244,244,244,244,244,244,244,244,244,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,256,282,282,282,282,294,294,294,294,294,294,335 Rotharius:362,362,362,362,362,362,362,362,362,362,373,373,373,373,373,373,373,373,373,373,373,373,373,373,373,401,401,401,401,401,401,414,414,414,414,414,414,454 Cartar:481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,481,492,492,492,492,492,492,492,492,492,492,492,492,519,519,519,519,519,519,531,531,531,531,531,531,531,572 Omega Alpha:600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,600,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,609,635,635,635,635,635,648,648,648,648,648,648,688 |